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- 10 ifpeek(828)<>24thenload"multifill",8,1
- 20 poke53281,14:poke53280,14
- 30 print"[147] colour fill demo[154]" "
- 40 k[178]14:w[178]40:h[178]24:lb[178]40:hb[178]4:[141]1040
- 50 k[178]160:w[178]40:h[178]24:lb[178]40:hb[178]4:a$[178]"c":[141]1040:a$[178]""
- 60 [129]a[178]0[164]16
- 70 k[178]a:w[178]16:h[178]1:hb[178][181](1517[173]256):lb[178]1517[171]hb[172]256
- 71 [129]b[178]0[164]10
- 72 w[178]w[170]2:h[178]h[170]2:lb[178]lb[171]41:[139]lb[179]0[167]hb[178]hb[171]1:lb[178]lb[170]255
- 73 [141]1040:[130]b,a
- 201 c[178]2000:[141]1030
- 210 [151]53281,0:[153]"load"
- 220 [153]"sysuse this utility to fill blocks of colour - sys 828"
- 221 c[178]1000:[141]1030
- 230 k[178]160:w[178]10:h[178]5:lb[178]245:hb[178]4:a$[178]"c":[141]1040
- 240 [129]a[178]1[164]20
- 250 k[178]5[170]a:w[178]10:h[178]5:lb[178]245:hb[178]4:a$[178]"":[141]1040
- 260 [129]b[178]0[164]200:[130]b,a
- 270 [153]"or to fill blocks with characters"
- 280 [153]" - sys 835
- 290 fora=20to0step-1
- 300 k=83+a:w=10:h=5:lb=20:hb=7:a$="c":gosub1040
- 310 forb=0to200:nextb,a
- 320 forb=0to400:next
- 330 print"[147]":poke53270,peek(53270)or16
- 340 print"[156] it also works in multicolour but you"
- 350 print" have to design your own characters
- 360 [151]53282,14:[151]53283,15
- 370 k[178]0:w[178]40:h[178]7:lb[178]144:hb[178]5:a$[178]"":[141]1040
- 380 [129]a[178]0[164]255:[151]1424[170]a,a:[130]
- 390 k[178]6:w[178]40:h[178]7:lb[178]144:hb[178]5:[141]1040
- 400 [129]a[178]0[164]23
- 410 c[178](5[170]a)[175]6[176]1
- 420 k[178]c:w[178]40:h[178]10:lb[178]0:hb[178]4:[141]1040
- 430 k[178]a[176]8:w[178]20:h[178]7:lb[178]154:hb[178]5:[141]1040
- 440 [129]b[178]0[164]300:[130]b,a
- 450 [129]b[178]0[164]500:[130]
- 460 [151]53270,[194](53270)[175]239
- 470 [129]b[178]0[164]300:[130]:[151]53281,6:[151]53280,6
- 480 [153]"loadsysyou can make shapes using smaller blocks"
- 490 k[178]160:w[178]40:h[178]21:lb[178]160:hb[178]4:a$[178]"c":[141]1040
- 500 k[178]7:w[178]40:h[178]21:lb[178]160:hb[178]4:a$[178]"":[141]1040
- 510 [129]b[178]0[164]2000:[130]
- 680 [135]k,w,h,lb,hb:[141]1040:[139]hb[179][177]6[167]680
- 681 [131]10,6,4,30,5
- 682 [131]2,3,2,71,5
- 683 [131]10,5,3,115,5
- 684 [131]7,1,1,156,5
- 685 [131]0,1,11,235,5
- 686 [131]8,20,11,236,5
- 687 [131]7,8,7,236,5
- 688 [131]7,5,7,251,5
- 689 [131]7,2,2,4,7
- 690 [131]7,2,1,6,7
- 691 [131]7,2,1,20,7
- 692 [131]7,2,2,22,7
- 693 [131]7,1,2,244,5
- 694 [131]7,1,1,245,5
- 695 [131]7,1,1,249,5
- 696 [131]7,1,2,250,5
- 697 [131]5,3,4,110,6
- 699 [129]b[178]0[164]5000:[130]
- 700 [153]"load":[151]53280,6:[151]53281,6
- 710 [153]"contfor your convenience the poke locations"
- 720 [153]"for both screen characters and screen"
- 730 [153]"colours use the same memory grid."
- 740 [153]"for example:"
- 750 [153]"if a character block is placed at the"
- 760 [153]"screen location 1717:";:c[178]3000:[141]1030
- 770 [129]a[178]1[164]40:k[178]32:w[178]10:h[178]5:hb[178][181](1717[173]256):lb[178]1717[171]256[172]hb:a$[178]"c":[141]1040
- 780 k[178]83:[141]1040:[130]
- 781 c[178]3000:[141]1030
- 790 [153]"cmd. the colour is alsopoked to 1717:":c[178]2000:[141]1030
- 800 a$[178]"":[129]a[178]1[164]20:c[178]100
- 801 k[178]7:[141]1040
- 802 [141]1030
- 803 k[178]8:[141]1040
- 804 [141]1030
- 805 [130]
- 810 [153]"press any key";
- 811 k[178]10:w[178]13:h[178]1:hb[178][181](1996[173]256):lb[178]1996[171]256[172]hb:[141]1040
- 812 [161]b$:[139]b$[179][177]""[167]830
- 813 k[178]0:[141]1040:[137]811
- 830 [153]"load":[151]53280,0:[151]53281,0
- 840 [153]"systo use the utility set up the parameterslike this:
- 850 c=3000:gosub1030
- 860 print"[150]poke 2 [154]with a colour or screen"
- 870 print" character value"
- 880 gosub1030
- 890 print"[150]poke 250 [154]with the block width"
- 900 gosub1030
- 910 print"[150]poke 251 [154]with the block height"
- 920 gosub1030
- 930 print"[150]poke 252 [154]with the low byte of the top"
- 940 print" left square of the block"
- 950 gosub1030
- 960 print"[150]poke 253 [154]with the high byte of the top"
- 970 print" left square of the block"
- 980 gosub1030
- 990 print"[150]sys 828 [154]for c[153]o[154]l[155]o[158]ur[153]s"
- 1000 gosub1030
- 1010 print"[150]sys 835 [154]for characters[145]"
- 1011 print"press any key";
- 1012 k=7:w=13:h=1:hb=int(1996/256):lb=1996-256*hb:gosub1040
- 1013 getb$:ifb$<>""then1020
- 1014 k=0:gosub1040:goto1012
- 1020 k=32:a$="c":gosub1040:print"[145][145][145]":end
- 1030 forb=0toc:next:return
- 1040 poke2,k:poke250,w:poke251,h:poke252,lb:poke253,hb:ifa$="c"thensys835:return
- 1050 sys828:return